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Our Mission  


Running weekly programming since 2011, VineCorps' mission is to provide young people from under-served areas of Prince George's County, Maryland, with the educational enrichment, personal support and family assistance necessary to make the most of good opportunities, navigate transitions, and realize their own unique potential, in school and in life.


Intentionally (but not exclusively) geared to students contending with challenging circumstances (low income, first generation college bound, special needs, etc.), VineCorps bridges gaps in opportunity and achievement by offering personally-tailored academic support, access to crucial life experiences beyond the classroom, and myriad ways for youth to take responsibility, contribute and serve.


Through all our activities, VineCorps cultivates belonging and connectedness, meaning: (1) close relationships with caring people; (2) active participation in community life; (3) exploration of heritage and purpose as a meaningful part of something larger than oneself; and (4) extensive networks of accessible support. This crucial approach is evidence-based, with research across health, neuro-, and social sciences attesting that these connections are among the most consequential factors affecting health, well-being, learning and growth. We call it the practice of mutual caring accountability.

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