What We Do
In our work to promote positive efforts among youth, VineCorps continually strives to engage people more effectively in the following core areas:
1) Authentic, Intentional Community
— Youth thrive when they have a place to thoroughly
be known, be loved and belong with deep respect and affection. In addition to home and school, "third places" of rich community life (physical, not just virtual) are also highly important, especially for teens and young adults.
2) Comprehensive Educational Support
— Among any group of youth on any given day, particular needs include everything from homework
help to intensive mentoring, building academic skills to practicing life skills, active listening to accessible mental health care, improving school-related communication to forceful special-needs advocacy, the right school and classes to a decent job, transportation to tuition assistance, goal-oriented coaching to upholding appropriate consequences, and more.
3) Tangible Leadership Experiences
— Young people require activities and enterprises that become theirs to lead and run as they gain experience and maturity. What's more, youth peer relationships carry the culture, so they must assume responsibility
for observing how to care for one another, function as
a group, and advance the common good.
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